Clinical Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis for the treatment and alleviation of a wide variety of psychological and physiological symptoms. Hypnotherapy works by guiding the client into a deep, relaxed state through the use of positive suggestions and guided imagery. Whilst in the “trance state” the mind becomes more focused and receptive to new possibilities and ideas. Claire offers online and in person hypnotherapy sessions.
60/90 mins
Weight Management Package
Weight issues are wide and varied. Whether you wish to lose or gain weight, or just change your relationship with your body, hypnotherapy works by rewiring your attitudes to food, eating, exercise and your body itself. Claire uses a number of different psychological, behavioural and hypnotherapeutic techniques to provide a holistic and long-lasting treatment plan designed specifically for you.
3 x 60 mins (plus 1 top up session)
Individual Counselling
Counselling provides a safe and confidential space for you to talk to a trained professional about your issues and concerns. Claire will help you explore your thoughts, feelings and behaviours so you can develop a better understanding of yourself and your relationships with others. Claire provides online and in person counselling sessions.
50 mins
Smoking Cessation Package
Cigarette smoking is the greatest cause of illness and death in the UK. Quitting smoking can be a big challenge for many people. Research shows hypnotherapy to be an effective treatment for those wishing to stop smoking as, like all habits, smoking is controlled by the mind. Claire uses a behavioural approach to break the negative behavioural and thinking patterns associated with smoking.
3 x 60 mins (plus 1 top up session)